"Like stars in the night sky, nomads wander,
leaving behind traces of their discoveries -
about nature, about people, and, above all,
about themselves."

A unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty and diversity of Western Kazakhstan's nature, enjoying its wonders as closely as possible. This tour will give you an unforgettable experience on the system
from accommodation and food to exciting excursions.
Everything will take place under the careful guidance of Olga Meos.

Price - 500 EUR for everything
including flight Astana-Aktau-Astana.
Second payment - April 15.
The button for the second payment will appear here on the website.
3-day jeep tour.
Includes meals, comfortable tents, transfer.
Of course, we will take a drone and cameras with us! Such places are waiting for content!
Bring light suits with you!
There will also be some additional impressions in Aktau on the Caspian coast.
But not for long, since the main tour is...

Torysh or Valley of Spheres
This is a whole field of huge stone balls (concretions), up to 4 m in diameter, which have been lying here since the Mesozoic period. Scientists are still putting forward hypotheses about their origin. There are only a few such places in the world.
A lonely mountain of unusual shape - on one side it resembles a huge yurt, and on the other - a sleeping lion or a sphinx. There are many legends and stories about this mountain. Once upon a time there was a fortress city here, carved out of the mountain itself and known since the time of the Arab conquests. It will take at least an hour to just walk around Sherkala.

When the writer and artist Taras Shevchenko visited Airakty with an expedition, he was so impressed by the beauty of these residual mountains, reminiscent of a deserted fairy-tale city, that he called this place the Valley of Castles and painted a series of paintings.
Sor Tuzbair
This is a stunning creation of nature, the landscape here resembles real lunar landscapes. Sor is completely transformed with the sunrise and sunset, and during the rainy season it turns into a huge natural mirror, in which the clouds are reflected. In the slopes and screes of the mountains you can find the remains of the fauna of the ancient Tethys Ocean in the form of sea urchins and belemnites, and at night you can enjoy the most beautiful starry sky.

The Bozzhyra tract is one of the most beautiful places in Mangistau, famous for its "unearthly" landscape. The residual mountains here reach a height of more than 250 meters. The huge territory of the park amazes with its scale. You can admire Bozzhyra from different viewing platforms, enjoying all its grandeur.
The mountains of the Kyzylkup tract are so multi-colored and layered that they resemble a huge dessert. Hence the second name of these places - the Tiramisu Mountains. White, beige and reddish-brown - here you can see incredible shades of salt and chalk deposits of the ancient Tethys Ocean, and maybe even find a tooth of a prehistoric shark.